Hadas Kotek ยป Blog
A Science vs Engineering mindset
End of year post for 2024
FAQ - My non-academic job market journey
Rejection sucks
End of year post for 2023
Text-to-image models are shallow in more ways than one (part 2)
Text-to-image models are shallow in more ways than one (part 1)
Job application materials
Stereotypical Gender Effects in 2016
Doctors can't get pregnant and other gender biases in ChatGPT
On the emotional toll of the academic job market
A guided self-reflection for getting started with Alt-Ac jobs
There's a lot to like about working in tech
More musings on leaving academia
On leaving academia
My top 25 campus visit lolsob stories
Job titles and job descriptions for linguists (and other social scientists)
Transferable skills and your resume
Let's talk about terminology
Prepping for Alt-Ac jobs (aka taking action)
Learning about Alt-Ac opportunities (aka how to get started)
Do you need a graduate degree to get an Alt-Ac job?
Alt-Ac informational interviews
Academic job interview questions
My academic job market journey