Hadas Kotek » Publications
(For project descriptions and ongoing work, see the research page.)
Technical report
- 2024
- Apple Authors (including Hadas Kotek). 2024. Apple Intelligence Foundation Language Models.
Proceedings papers (NLP, papers reviewed)
- 2025
- Hadas Orgad, Michael Toker, Zorik Gekhman, Roi Reichart, Idan Szpektor, Hadas Kotek, Yonatan Belinkov. 2025. LLMs Know More Than They Show: On the Intrinsic Representation of LLM Hallucinations. The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR).
- 2025
- Hadas Kotek, David Q. Sun, Zidi Xiu, Margit Bowler, Christopher Klein. 2025. Protected group bias and stereotypes in Large Language Models. The 101st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA).
- 2023
- Hadas Kotek, Rikker Dockum, and David Q. Sun. 2023. Gender bias and stereotypes in Large Language Models. ACM Collective Intelligence conference.
- 2023
- David Q. Sun, Artem Abzaliev, Hadas Kotek, Zidi Xiu, Christopher Klein, Jason D. Williams. 2023. DELPHI: Data for Evaluating LLMs’ Performance in Handling Controversial Issues. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
- 2023
- Xiu, Zidi, Kai-Chen Cheng, David Q. Sun, Jiannan Lu, Hadas Kotek, Yuhan Zhang, Paul McCarthy, Christopher Klein, Stephen Pulman, Jason D. Williams. 2023. Feedback Effect in User Interaction with Intelligent Assistants: Delayed Engagement, Adaption and Drop-out. The 27th meeting of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD).
- 2021
- Patel, Alkesh, Akanksha Bindal, Hadas Kotek, Christopher Klein, and Jason D. Williams. Generating Natural Questions from Images for Multimodal Assistant. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
- 2020:
- Sun, David Q., Hadas Kotek, Christopher Klein, Mayank Gupta, William Li and Jason D. Williams. Improving Human-Labeled Data through Dynamic Automatic Conflict Resolution. The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING).
- 2019
- Kotek, Hadas. Composing Questions. Linguistic Inquiry Monographs series. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- 2017
- Halpert, Claire, Hadas Kotek, and Coppe van Urk (eds.). 2017. A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky. MIT Working Paper in Linguistics 80. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.
Journal articles and book chapters
- 2021
- Cepeda, Paola, Hadas Kotek, Katharina Pabst, and Kristen Syrett. Gender bias in linguistics textbooks: Has anything changed since Macaulay & Brice (1997)?. Language 97(4): 678–702.
- 2021
- Kotek, Hadas, Rikker Dockum, Sarah Babinski, and Christopher Geissler. Gender bias and stereotypes in linguistic example sentences. Language 97(4): 653–677.
- 2021
- Kotek, Hadas, Sarah Babinski, Rikker Dockum, and Christopher Geissler. 2021. Gender stereotypes and inclusion in language teaching. Babylonia 1: 66–70.
- 2019
- Barros, Matthew and Hadas Kotek. Ellipsis licensing and redundancy reduction: A focus-based approach. Glossa 4(1): 100. 1-36.
- 2019
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Wh-indeterminates in Chuj (Mayan). Canadian Journal of Linguistics 64(1): 62–101.
- 2018
- Kotek, Hadas and Matthew Barros. Multiple sluicing, scope, and superiority: Consequences for ellipsis identity. Linguistic Inquiry 49(4): 781–812.
- 2018
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. Covert focus movement with pied-piping: Evidence from Tanglewood. Linguistic Inquiry 49(3): 441–463.
- 2017
- Kotek, Hadas. Dissociating intervention effects from superiority in English wh-questions. The Linguistic Review 34(2): 397–417.
- 2017
- Kotek, Hadas. Questioning Superiority. A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 80, eds. Halpert, Claire, Hadas Kotek, and Coppe van Urk, 457–466. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.
- 2016
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Covert pied-piping in English multiple wh-questions. Linguistic Inquiry 47(4): 669–693.
- 2016
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. Even-NPIs in Dharamsala Tibetan. Linguistic Analysis: Special Issue on South Asian morphosyntax 40(3-4): 129–166.
- 2016
- Hadas Kotek. Covert partial wh-movement and the nature of derivations. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 1(1), 25:1-19.
- 2016
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. A streamlined approach to online linguistic surveys. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 34(2): 481-495. (includes an online Appendix). Tools available at: turktools.net.
- 2016
- Hisagi, Miwako, Valerie L. Shafer, Shigeru Miyagawa, Hadas Kotek, Ayaka Sugawara, and Dimitrios Pantazis. Second-language learning effects on automaticity of speech processing of Japanese phonetic contrasts: An MEG study. Brain Research 1652: 111–118.
- 2015
- Kotek, Hadas, Yasutada Sudo, and Martin Hackl. Experimental investigations of ambiguity: The case of most. Natural Language Semantics 23(2): 119-156.
- 2014
- Kotek, Hadas. Wh-Fronting in a Two-Probe System. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 32(4): 1105-1143.
- 2013
- Kotek, Hadas. The syntax-semantics interface in Hebrew. Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics, ed. Khan, Geoffrey. Boston: Brill publishing. Volume 3, 683-688.
- 2011
- Kotek, Hadas, Yasutada Sudo, Edwin Howard, and Martin Hackl. Most Meanings are Superlative. Syntax and Semantics 37: Experiments at the Interfaces, ed. Jeff Runner, 101-145. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publications.
Proceedings papers (Linguistics, abstracts reviewed)
- 2022
- Frank, Rober, and Hadas Kotek. 2022. Top-down derivations: Flipping syntax on its head. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Volume 7, Number 1 (2022), 5264. https://doi.org/10.3765/plsa.v7i1.5264.
- 2020
- Kotek, Hadas, Sarah Babinski, Rikker Dockum, and Christopher Geissler. Gender representation in linguistic example sentences. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Volume 5, Number 1 (2020), 514–528. ISSN (online): 2473-8689.
- 2020
- Phillips, Josh and Hadas Kotek. Updates discourse anaphora: a dynamic approach to otherwise. Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 49}, eds. Maggie Baird and Jonathan Pesetsky. GLSA: Amherst, MA. Volume 3, 29–38.
- 2018
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. Focus association by movement: Evidence from binding and parasitic gaps. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 21.
- 2018
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Non-interrogative wh-constructions in Chuj (Mayan). Proceedings of the Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of the Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 21.
- 2017
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. 2017. Movement and alternatives don’t mix: Evidence from Japanese. Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium (AC) 2017.
- 2017
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. Intervention tracks scope-rigidity in Japanese. Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS) 14.
- 2017
- Kotek, Hadas. Intervention effects arise from scope-taking across alternatives. Proceedings North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 47, eds. Andrew Lamont and Katerina Tetzloff. GSLA: Amherst, MA. Volume 2, 153–166.
- 2017
- Kotek, Hadas. Questioning Superiority. A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 80, eds. Halpert, Claire, Hadas Kotek, and Coppe van Urk, 457–466. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.
- 2016
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Unifying definite and indefinite free relatives: Evidence from Mayan. Proceedings North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 46, eds. Christopher Hammerly and Brandon Prickett, GSLA: Amherst, MA. Volume 2, 241–254.
- 2016
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. Tanglewood untangled. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 26, eds. Mary Moroney, Carol-Rose Little, Jacob Collard, and Dan Burgdorf, 224–243.
- 2016
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Intervention effects in relative pronoun pied-piping: experimental evidence. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 20, eds. Nadine Bade, Polina Berezovskaya and Anthea Scholler.
- 2016
- Kotek, Hadas. On the semantics of wh-questions. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 20, eds. Nadine Bade, Polina Berezovskaya and Anthea Scholler.
- 2016
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. The structure and interpretation of non-restrictive relatives: Evidence from relative pronoun pied-piping. Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 51. (slides), Chicago, IL.: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 149-163.
- 2014
- Hisagi, Miwako, Valerie L. Shafer, Shigeru Miyagawa, Hadas Kotek, Ayaka Sugawara, and Dimitrios Pantazis. Perception of Japanese vowel contrasts by L1 and L2 learners of Japanese: An EEG study. Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (FAJL) 7, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #73, pp. 45-55.
- 2014
- Kotek, Hadas. Intervention out of islands. Proceedings North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 44, eds. Jyoti Iyer and Leland Kusmer. GSLA: Amherst, MA. Volume 1, 234–246.
- 2014
- Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka and Hadas Kotek. Intervention in focus pied-piping. Proceedings North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 43, eds. Hsin-Lun Huang, Ethan Poole and Amanda Rysling. GLSA: Amherst, MA. Volume 1, 117-130.
- 2014
- Hisagi, Miwako, Valerie L. Shafer, Shigeru Miyagawa, Hadas Kotek, Ayaka Sugawara, and Dimitrios Pantazis. Changes in Automaticity of Speech Processing of Japanese Phonetic Contrasts in Second-Language Learning: An MEG study. Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences 2014.
- 2013
- Kotek, Hadas and Martin Hackl. An experimental investigation of interrogative syntax/semantics. Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium (AC) 2013, eds. Maria Aloni, Michael Franke and Floris Roelofsen.
- 2013
- Kotek, Hadas. Intervention, covert movement, and focus computation in multiple wh-questions. LSA Annual Meeting extended abstracts.
- 2013
- Sugawara, Ayaka, Hadas Kotek, Martin Hackl and Ken Wexler. Long vs. Short QR: Evidence from the Acquisition of ACD. Proceedings of Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 37. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- 2013
- Kotek, Hadas. Degree Relatives, Definiteness and shifted Reference. Proceedings North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 40, eds. Seda Kan, Claire Moore-Cantwell, Robert Staubs. GLSA: Amherst, MA. Volume 2, 29-43.
- 2012
- Kotek, Hadas. Readings of Hebrew multiple questions. Proceedings West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 30, eds. Nathan Arnett and Ryan Bennett, 216-225. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
- 2011
- Kotek, Hadas, Yasutada Sudo, Edwin Howard, and Martin Hackl. Three Readings of Most. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 21, eds. Ashton, Neil, Anca Chereches and David Lutz, 353-372.
- 2008
- Kotek, Hadas. Resolving complement anaphora. NEALT proceedings series: Proceedings of the second Workshop on Anaphora Resolution, ed. Johansson, Christer, 41-53.
- 2014
- Kotek, Hadas. Composing Questions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Manuscripts (pre-prints available upon request)
- manuscript
- Kastner, Itamar, Hadas Kotek, Rikker Dockum, Michael Dow, Maria Esipova, Caitlin Green, Todd Snider. Who speaks for us? Lessons from the Pinker letter.
- manuscript (pending revision)
- Phillips, Joshua and Hadas Kotek. Discourse anaphoric otherwise: Information structure & modal subordination
- manuscript (pending revision)
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Indefinite free relatives in Mayan: Lessons for the typology of free relatives and the nature of relative clause islands.
- manuscript (pending revision)
- Erlewine, Michael Y. and Hadas Kotek. Intervention tracks scope-rigidity in Japanese.
- manuscript (pending revision)
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Relative pronoun pied-piping in English non-restrictive relatives.
- manuscript (pending revision)
- Kotek, Hadas and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Blocking effects in English causatives.